
MINT has signed the IMEx agreement to share curation efforts and supports the Protein Standard Initiative (PSI) recommendation.
Starting September 2013, MINT uses the IntAct database infrastructure to limit the duplication of efforts and to optimise future software development. Data maintenance and release, MINT PSICQUIC and IMEx services are under the responsibility of the IntAct team, while curation effort will be carried by both groups. Data manually curated by the MINT curators can now also be accessed from the IntAct homepage at the EBI.

Support and feedback:
Please Contact us if you are having problems using our resource, or if you would like to send us some any feedback.

Submit Your data:
The IMEx consortium actively encourages the deposition of data, prior to publication, and will supply unique accession numbers which may be referenced within the final article. A data privacy policy prior to final publication is maintained by all databases.
Submitters may send their data directly to any of the member databases using a variety of formats listed below, but should all conform to the following guidelines as to the minimum information required to describe the data.
IMEx accession numbers suitable for inclusion in a publication will normally be issued within five working days after receipt of all necessary data.

Minimum Data Requirements:
IMEx partner databases request the following minimum information about a molecular interaction experiment to be provided with each data deposition. Data should be MIMIx compatible. Submitters should supply the following information.

Data Submission by e-mail:
We accept submissions in free text format, for example a manuscript prepared for submission. Please, Contact us by e-mail to inform us about your data and we will help you with data preparation and submission.

Data Curation
IMEx Curation Rules : The manual describes the IMEx Annotation Rules.
MINT data curation is achieved via the IntAct web-based editorial tool.

Please, in any articles making use of the data extracted from MINT, refer to:
MINT, the molecular interaction database: 2012 update.
Licata L, Briganti L, Peluso D, Perfetto L, Iannuccelli M, Galeota E, Sacco F, Palma A, Nardozza AP, Santonico E, Castagnoli L, Cesareni G. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D857-61. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr930. Epub 2011 Nov 16.