Curation Details
Interaction ID: MINT-8028505

Unique identifier for interactor Auniprotkb:P26038
Unique identifier for interactor Buniprotkb:P43405
Alternative identifier for interactor Aintact:EBI-528768
Alternative identifier for interactor Bintact:EBI-78302
Aliases for Apsi-mi:moes_human(display_long)
uniprotkb:Membrane-organizing extension spike protein(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:MSN(gene name)
Aliases for Bpsi-mi:ksyk_human(display_long)
uniprotkb:SYK(gene name)
uniprotkb:Spleen tyrosine kinase(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:p72-Syk(gene name synonym)
Interaction detection methodspsi-mi:"MI:0096"(pull down)
First authorUrzainqui et al. (2002)
Identifier of the publicationpubmed:12387735
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Ataxid:9606(human)
taxid:9606(Homo sapiens)
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Btaxid:9606(human)
taxid:9606(Homo sapiens)
Interaction typespsi-mi:"MI:0914"(association)
Source databases and identifierspsi-mi:"MI:0471"(MINT)
Interaction identifier(s) in the corresponding source databaseintact:EBI-8547328
Confidence scoreintact-miscore:0.35
Complex expansion-
Biological role AUnspecified role
Biological role BUnspecified role
Experimental role AUnspecified role
Experimental role BUnspecified role
Interactor type AProtein
Interactor type BProtein
Annotations for the interactioncomment:homomint
partial coverage:partial coverage
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for the host organismtaxid:-3(unknown)
Parameters of the interaction-
Creation date2010/09/28
Update date2014/10/16
negative Boolean valuefalse
Feature(s) for interactor Abinding-associated region:198-211(MINT-8028512)
phosphorylated residue:205-205(MINT-8028514)
Feature(s) for interactor B-
Stoichiometry for interactor A-
Stoichiometry for interactor B-
Participant identification method for interactor APredetermined participant
Participant identification method for interactor BPredetermined participant