Curation Details
Interaction ID: MINT-7033534

Unique identifier for interactor Auniprotkb:P30285
Unique identifier for interactor Buniprotkb:P24385
Alternative identifier for interactor Aintact:EBI-847225
Alternative identifier for interactor Bintact:EBI-375001
Aliases for Apsi-mi:cdk4_mouse(display_long)
uniprotkb:Cell division protein kinase 4(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:PSK-J3(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:CRK3(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Cdk4(gene name)
uniprotkb:Crk3(gene name synonym)
Aliases for Bpsi-mi:ccnd1_human(display_long)
uniprotkb:CCND1(gene name)
uniprotkb:BCL1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:PRAD1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:PRAD1 oncogene(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:BCL-1 oncogene(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:B-cell lymphoma 1 protein(gene name synonym)
Interaction detection methodspsi-mi:"MI:0006"(anti bait coimmunoprecipitation)
First authorMurakami et al. (2009)
Identifier of the publicationpubmed:19409388
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Ataxid:10090(mouse)
taxid:10090(Mus musculus)
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Btaxid:9606(human)
taxid:9606(Homo sapiens)
Interaction typespsi-mi:"MI:0915"(physical association)
Source databases and identifierspsi-mi:"MI:0471"(MINT)
Interaction identifier(s) in the corresponding source databaseintact:EBI-6988620
Confidence scoreintact-miscore:0.40
Complex expansion-
Biological role AUnspecified role
Biological role BUnspecified role
Experimental role ABait
Experimental role BPrey
Interactor type AProtein
Interactor type BProtein
Annotations for the interactionfigure legend:F6
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for the host organismtaxid:10090(mouse-nih_3t3)
taxid:10090(Mus musculus Swiss NIH 3t3 embryo fibroblast cells)
Parameters of the interaction-
Creation date2009/04/20
Update date2014/10/16
negative Boolean valuefalse
Feature(s) for interactor A-
Feature(s) for interactor Bmutation disrupting interaction:144-144(MINT-7033537)
mutation disrupting interaction:193-193(MINT-7033564)
mutation disrupting interaction:128-128(MINT-7033539)
green fluorescent protein tag:?-?(MINT-7033545)
mutation disrupting interaction:121-121(MINT-7033543)
mutation disrupting interaction:161-161(MINT-7033541)
mutation disrupting interaction:187-187(MINT-7033561)
Stoichiometry for interactor A-
Stoichiometry for interactor B-
Participant identification method for interactor AWestern blot
Participant identification method for interactor BAnti tag western blot