Unique identifier for interactor A | uniprotkb:P68467 |
Unique identifier for interactor B | uniprotkb:O43187 |
Alternative identifier for interactor A | intact:EBI-8022707 uniprotkb:P18382 intact:MINT-6947415 |
Alternative identifier for interactor B | intact:EBI-447733 uniprotkb:B4DQZ6 uniprotkb:Q08AG6 uniprotkb:Q5K546 ensembl:ENSP00000256458.4 |
Aliases for A | psi-mi:pg044_vaccc(display_long) uniprotkb:OPG044(gene name) psi-mi:OPG044(display_short) uniprotkb:K7R(orf name) |
Aliases for B | psi-mi:irak2_human(display_long) uniprotkb:IRAK2(gene name) psi-mi:IRAK2(display_short) |
Interaction detection methods | psi-mi:"MI:0007"(anti tag coimmunoprecipitation) |
First author | Schröder et al. (2008) |
Identifier of the publication | pubmed:18636090 imex:IM-11653 mint:MINT-6946605 doi:10.1038/emboj.2008.143 |
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor A | taxid:10249(vaccc) taxid:10249("Vaccinia virus (strain Copenhagen) (VACV)") |
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor B | taxid:9606(human) taxid:9606(Homo sapiens) |
Interaction types | psi-mi:"MI:0915"(physical association) |
Source databases and identifiers | psi-mi:"MI:0471"(MINT) |
Interaction identifier(s) in the corresponding source database | intact:EBI-8022700 mint:MINT-6947423 imex:IM-11653-9 |
Confidence score | intact-miscore:0.52 |
Complex expansion | - |
Biological role A | Unspecified role |
Biological role B | Unspecified role |
Experimental role A | Prey |
Experimental role B | Bait |
Interactor type A | Protein |
Interactor type B | Protein |
Annotations for the interaction | comment:homomint figure legend:f2f comment:mint dataset:Virus - Publications including interactions involving viral proteins curation depth:imex curation full coverage:Only protein-protein interactions |
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for the host organism | taxid:9606(human-293t) taxid:9606(Homo sapiens HEK293T embryonic kidney cell) |
Parameters of the interaction | - |
Creation date | 2009/02/10 |
Update date | 2024/11/30 |
negative Boolean value | false |
Feature(s) for interactor A | ha tag:?-?(MINT-6947428) |
Feature(s) for interactor B | myc tag:?-?(MINT-6947432) |
Stoichiometry for interactor A | - |
Stoichiometry for interactor B | - |
Participant identification method for interactor A | Anti tag western blot |
Participant identification method for interactor B | Anti tag western blot |