Curation Details
Interaction ID: MINT-4790323

Unique identifier for interactor Auniprotkb:P10144
Unique identifier for interactor Buniprotkb:P03265
Alternative identifier for interactor Aintact:EBI-2505785
Alternative identifier for interactor Bintact:EBI-7322567
Aliases for Apsi-mi:grab_human(display_long)
uniprotkb:GZMB(gene name)
uniprotkb:CGL1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:CSPB(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:CTLA1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:GRB(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Granzyme-2(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:T-cell serine protease 1-3E(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte proteinase 2(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:SECT(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Cathepsin G-like 1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:CTLA-1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Fragmentin-2(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Human lymphocyte protein(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:C11(gene name synonym)
Aliases for Bpsi-mi:dnb2_ade05(display_long)
uniprotkb:DBP(gene name)
uniprotkb:Early 2A protein(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Early E2A DNA-binding protein(gene name synonym)
Interaction detection methodspsi-mi:"MI:0415"(enzymatic study)
First authorAndrade et al. (2007)
Identifier of the publicationpubmed:17363894
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Ataxid:9606(human)
taxid:9606(Homo sapiens)
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Btaxid:28285(ade05)
taxid:28285("Human adenovirus C serotype 5 (HAdV-5)")
Interaction typespsi-mi:"MI:0194"(cleavage reaction)
Source databases and identifierspsi-mi:"MI:0471"(MINT)
Interaction identifier(s) in the corresponding source databaseintact:EBI-7322589
Confidence scoreintact-miscore:0.44
Complex expansion-
Biological role AEnzyme
Biological role BEnzyme target
Experimental role ANeutral component
Experimental role BNeutral component
Interactor type AProtein
Interactor type BProtein
Annotations for the interactionfigure legend:F2A
figure legend:F3C
figure legend:F3D
dataset:Virus - Publications including interactions involving viral proteins
full coverage:Only protein-protein interactions
curation depth:imex curation
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for the host organismtaxid:-1(in vitro)
taxid:-1(In vitro)
Parameters of the interaction-
Creation date2007/06/05
Update date2014/10/16
negative Boolean valuefalse
Feature(s) for interactor Amutation decreasing interaction:118-118(MINT-4790386)
mutation decreasing interaction:121-121(MINT-4790383)
Feature(s) for interactor B-
Stoichiometry for interactor A-
Stoichiometry for interactor B-
Participant identification method for interactor APredetermined participant
Participant identification method for interactor BPredetermined participant