Unique identifier for interactor A | uniprotkb:B1Q2W9 |
Unique identifier for interactor B | uniprotkb:P06748 |
Alternative identifier for interactor A | intact:EBI-9081051 |
Alternative identifier for interactor B | intact:EBI-78579 uniprotkb:P08693 uniprotkb:Q12826 uniprotkb:Q13440 uniprotkb:Q13441 uniprotkb:Q14115 uniprotkb:Q5EU94 uniprotkb:Q5EU95 uniprotkb:Q5EU96 uniprotkb:Q5EU97 uniprotkb:Q5EU98 uniprotkb:Q5EU99 uniprotkb:Q6V962 uniprotkb:Q8WTW5 uniprotkb:Q96AT6 uniprotkb:Q96DC4 uniprotkb:Q96EA5 uniprotkb:A8K3N7 uniprotkb:B5BU00 uniprotkb:Q9UDJ7 uniprotkb:D3DQL6 uniprotkb:Q9BYG9 ensembl:ENSP00000296930.5 ensembl:ENSP00000428755.1 |
Aliases for A | psi-mi:b1q2w9_hbvdr(display_long) uniprotkb:Core antigen(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:Core protein(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:HBcAg(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:p21.5(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:C(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:pre-C/C(gene name) psi-mi:pre-C/C(display_short) |
Aliases for B | psi-mi:npm_human(display_long) uniprotkb:NPM1(gene name) psi-mi:NPM1(display_short) uniprotkb:NPM(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:Nucleolar phosphoprotein B23(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:Numatrin(gene name synonym) uniprotkb:Nucleolar protein NO38(gene name synonym) |
Interaction detection methods | psi-mi:"MI:0006"(anti bait coimmunoprecipitation) |
First author | Jeong et al. (2014) |
Identifier of the publication | imex:IM-22075 pubmed:24462683 |
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor A | taxid:106820(hbvdr) taxid:106820(Hepatitis B virus subtype adr) |
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor B | taxid:9606(human) taxid:9606(Homo sapiens) |
Interaction types | psi-mi:"MI:0915"(physical association) |
Source databases and identifiers | psi-mi:"MI:0471"(MINT) |
Interaction identifier(s) in the corresponding source database | intact:EBI-9081333 imex:IM-22075-8 |
Confidence score | intact-miscore:0.64 |
Complex expansion | - |
Biological role A | Unspecified role |
Biological role B | Unspecified role |
Experimental role A | Prey |
Experimental role B | Bait |
Interactor type A | Protein |
Interactor type B | Protein |
Annotations for the interaction | figure legend:f4a f4b comment:"\"we used co11 immunoprecipitation analysis to examine whether oligomerization of B23 was necessary for its interaction with core protein. Given that the B23 mutant C21F is defective in oligomerization [19], C21F was used as a monomer in this analysis. The HBV core dimer could interact only with B23 oligomer but not with B23 monomer (Fig. 4A). These showed that the oligomerization of B23 was mandatory for its interaction with core protein. Consistent with the data, C21F (a monomeric form of B23) could not promote capsid assembly (Fig. 4B).\"" curation depth:imex curation full coverage:Only protein-protein interactions |
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for the host organism | taxid:-1(in vitro) taxid:-1(In vitro) |
Parameters of the interaction | - |
Creation date | 2014/01/11 |
Update date | 2024/11/14 |
negative Boolean value | false |
Feature(s) for interactor A | binding-associated region:1-149 |
Feature(s) for interactor B | mutation disrupting interaction:21-21 |
Stoichiometry for interactor A | - |
Stoichiometry for interactor B | - |
Participant identification method for interactor A | Western blot |
Participant identification method for interactor B | Western blot |