Curation Details
Interaction ID: IM-10977-5

Unique identifier for interactor Auniprotkb:Q14103-3
Unique identifier for interactor Buniprotkb:P31947
Alternative identifier for interactor Aintact:EBI-432539
Alternative identifier for interactor Bintact:EBI-476295
Aliases for Apsi-mi:q14103-3(display_long)
uniprotkb:p40(isoform synonym)
uniprotkb:Dx7(isoform synonym)
uniprotkb:HNRNPD(gene name)
uniprotkb:AUF1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:HNRPD(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:AU-rich element RNA-binding protein 1(gene name synonym)
Aliases for Bpsi-mi:1433s_human(display_long)
uniprotkb:Stratifin(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:Epithelial cell marker protein 1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:HME1(gene name synonym)
uniprotkb:SFN(gene name)
Interaction detection methodspsi-mi:"MI:0096"(pull down)
First authorHe et al. (2006)
Identifier of the publicationpubmed:16902409
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Ataxid:9606(human)
taxid:9606(Homo sapiens)
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor Btaxid:9606(human)
taxid:9606(Homo sapiens)
Interaction typespsi-mi:"MI:0915"(physical association)
Source databases and identifierspsi-mi:"MI:0471"(MINT)
Interaction identifier(s) in the corresponding source databaseintact:EBI-1024909
Confidence scoreintact-miscore:0.40
Complex expansion-
Biological role AUnspecified role
Biological role BUnspecified role
Experimental role APrey
Experimental role BBait
Interactor type AProtein
Interactor type BProtein
Annotations for the interactionfigure legend:3B
isoform-comment:"\"AUF1 exists as four different isoforms (p37, p40, p42 and p45) that are generated by alternative splicing. p45 IsoformId:FQ14103-1. p42 IsoformId:FQ14103-2. Q14103-1. p40 IsoformId:FQ14103-3. p37 IsoformId:FQ14103-4.\""
isoform-comment:To date, seven 14-3-3 isoforms have been identified in human cells, all of which share a high degree of amino-acid sequence conservation
comment:The predominant isoform of AUF1 which bound to 14-3-3sigma was the p37 protein, and to a much lesser extent p40 AUF1. There was no detectable interaction between 14-3-3sigma and the two larger AUF1 isoforms, p42 and p45.
dataset:Synapse - Interactions of proteins with an established role in the presynapse.
full coverage:Only protein-protein interactions
curation depth:imex curation
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for the host organismtaxid:-1(in vitro)
taxid:-1(In vitro)
Parameters of the interaction-
Creation date2006/08/31
Update date2014/10/16
negative Boolean valuefalse
Feature(s) for interactor A-
Feature(s) for interactor Bglutathione s tranferase tag:?-?
Stoichiometry for interactor A-
Stoichiometry for interactor B-
Participant identification method for interactor AWestern blot
Participant identification method for interactor BWestern blot